Thursday, November 10, 2016

Journal of Artistic Research and the sound of trees

The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an inter-national, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal for the identification, publication and dissemination of artistic research and its methodologies, from all arts disciplines.

Here is the link for the current issue here.

Did you know that trees make sounds? This journal issue has an interesting research project that recorded the sound of trees. The project entitle, Trees: Pinus sylvestris. This is an nteresting science/art collaboration. 

The abstract states that "The goal of our research project ‘trees: Rendering Ecophysiological Processes Audible’, funded by the SNSF, was to connect sounds that occur in plants with ecophysiological processes and thus make audible in an artistic manner phenomena and processes that are not normally noticeable". 

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